
Knees kneel

To hold the weight

Of a soul 

Who prays

When she wakes

Balancing light

On clasped fingers

Etching skin in hope

Separating the past

From her home

In a field

Where her wildflowers grow”


We do not kneel because we are weak, we collapse against our strength


“It was if a thousand bees crawled beneath my heart, creating a buzz from the very start. The feel of their wings as they tickled my lungs and breezed by my throat. A tickle, a hum of pure delight… A feeling I felt long into the night. Laying honey in veins, sticky and sweet, coating my heart in the richness of golden promise, allowing love to stick to the untouched places~”


The buzz of bees

Mouth full of stars

Cotton caught on wind

Covering skin

Two palms cup

The Big Dipper

Drinks from within

Swallows constellations

Fire burns behind the eyes

Captured reflections

On dusk intentions

An essence it brings

A mouth full of sunrise

Dawn breaks

The moon dies

To allow the day to breathe

While constellations sleep

Her dreams, she reaps


Carrying Hope

She carried hope in wicker baskets

Wrapped in burlap bows

Took nothing in thank you’s
Just cared enough to ease your woes
Piping hot bread wrapped in baking paper, strawberries plucked from the wine fields.

Dreams in bags of silver 
Possibilities held in corked jars

Anything your heart could need

Laid in a wicker basket of bountiful seeds. 

Repayment made in the thankful eyes of hungry children

In the hearts of the unloved, now needed

In the smiles of all the faces

Within her travels of all these places. 

Twigs bound to flame

Wax to melt the candles

Silver to line the pockets 

Watching time on sunrises

Carrying water for the thirsty

In wicker baskets, tied with burlap bows, 

from a woman who passed on hope


Death on tongues 

Lily of the valley
Rest on tongues
Of lovers who become undone
To slip past life
Into catacombs
Of flames extinguished before
Stained lips, poisoned
Mouth full of death
By beauty
Not from petal
But of leaf
Melted in mouths
Parting kisses
Romeo & Juliet
Knew such a fate of love
To beautiful to keep
Drinking potions
To end a life
That never quite
Lived long enough to fight
Knee deep in lilies
That poison tongues
Not in fate
But lovers
Who could not wait”


Romeo and Juliet